I have some really exciting news! Wait for it.. wait for it.. ready? GO!
Little old me has the honor of writing a guest post over at Adam's HIGHlariously entertaining blog, Throwingquarters.com! If you're not following him, do it now! (You can thank me later.)
Details soon!
In the meantime, here's my blogosphere fairy tale:
So, Adam writes this post explaining how he'll be basically sleeping in a retail cot the next 2 weeks, fending off ravenous shoppers & obviously will not have any time to entertain us with cute pictures of his kids. (boo! hiss!) In light of this situation, he decided to open up his blog to only 5 lucky, talented, amazing, beautiful (OK, maybe not the last one..) bloggers & let us write a guest post in his absence. Adam invited us readers to send him an e-mail if we were interested & well, I took a shot in the dark & did just that. It went a little something like this:
Just kidding! I composed myself.
"Hey there! I've never had the honor of writing a guest post before and I'm certainly not the most popular in blogosphere, but I figured.. what the hell, I'll e-mail you anyhow!I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. Your posts are severely entertaining! Like, I think that my sides might ACTUALLY split entertaining! To be honest, you kind of inspired me to write my latest post about working in retail.Anyhow, if you're interested, my blog is located at http://throughthegrapevines.blogspot.com. I would really appreciate the feedback!"
Then, I received an e-mail right in the middle of The Vampire Diaries saying.. I GOT IT! (Woo! Happy Dance! Oh shit.. vamp sex!) & the rest is still unwritten. Dun, dun dunnnnn.
Thanks Adam; for giving this little blogger a chance.
Let the writing commence!